Concordia Players Theatre has been working tirelessly since January to produce their upcoming musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. With the show a mere three weeks away, rehearsals have kicked into high gear to prepare for opening night. CUW senior and stage manager Leah Brewer provided insight to the theatre production process.
“I think one of the best things about [theatre] is seeing it start to finish. You see everybody on book and not really sure and they don’t really know their characters and then see them perform the show,” said Leah. “Everybody’s in costume. Everybody’s doing the dances, everybody’s singing the songs, and it’s cohesive. And you’re like, ‘where was this?’”
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was adapted from the 1954 film into a musical in 1978. The romantic comedy follows the Pontipee brothers and their search for wives in 1850’s Oregon. Hijinks ensue (including fist fights, dance battles, and kidnappings).
Though Seven Brides, like all shows, has had its ups and downs over the past few months, Leah is confident in the product they’re putting together. “This is a more dance-heavy show than usual. It’s going to be really fun for the audience to see just how much the actors have worked on their flips and tricks, and the ballet and tap. They’ve got all of it in the show.”
“The brothers are really amazing,” she added. “They act like a group of brothers… Their camaraderie is just super fun to watch onstage.”
The show opens on Thursday, April 27th and will run until April 30th. You can purchase tickets here. Leah also gave The Beacon a behind-the-scenes tour of their props and set, which you can watch below.

—Mikayla Amack is an editor and writer for The Beacon, the official student newspaper of Concordia University Wisconsin. She is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in mass communication, enjoys theater and music, and plans to graduate in 2023.