Here at Concordia we have seven residence halls and within those halls there is a variety of room styles. Whether it is a Coburg suite or an Augsburg single, students are consistently creative in making the most of their space.
A clean space can equate to an clean mind and lead to academic success. Some students operate better in a state of organized chaos. Either way, there is a residence hall and room style to accommodate you.
Noelle Krockey, Alyssa Techlin, Anna Ruffalo, Claudia Brinkley, Hailey Conrad, Emily Kerlikowske, Jasmine Freeze, and Lauren Shroba live in Chemnitz, one of our most popular freshman res halls. These ladies love Chemnitz because they have lots of washers and dryers, lounges in their hall, private bathrooms, and workout equipment on the second and fourth floor.
They made sure to set up their rooms in a way that ensured each person had their own space so no one felt crowded. Each of the three-person rooms is the same size, but the girls personalized the set-up to their tastes. Lofting their beds adds more room, but with some creative organization they can keep their bed lower and still have plenty of room.
Since most of the girls tend to do their homework on their bed, they moved their desk chairs into the bathroom to add floor space in their bedrooms and keep clothes and towels off the floor in the bathroom.
Serena Said, Anna Roskopf, and Emily Ruger are living a classic CUW freshman life over in Wittenberg. They enjoy living there because people always have their doors open, their room is large, and they have a strong sense of community within their hall.
In order to make the best use of their space, they all lofted their beds and moved both their desk and their dresser under their beds. Each girl has a cart for to keep things off the floor as well as a bin to put above their wardrobe.
These ladies have a very clear decorative vision. They all have white bedspreads and decorate with neutral pinks and oranges to give a boho feel. Their most creative use of space was bringing in a TV stand with doors on the front to increase storage while keeping clutter to a minimum.
Kennedi Coffman, Kat Martin, and Ellie Phillips love living in Katherine because of the community. Their RA has made it fun to get to know the other ladies in their dorm, they are close to the Concordia International Center, and they have unique access to the chapel courtyard and the bluff.
They chose to bunk their beds in order to maximize their floorspace. They also moved their wardrobes into a corner in order to make the room seem taller. Kennedi is an Interior Design major, so she had informed input as to how the room should be organized. Using their dressers as a TV stand helped to open up the floor plan as well.
Each one of the girls has a distinct decorative style, expressed in how they adorn their desks. The distinct shape of a Katherine room offers a few nice alcoves for each resident to have a piece of their own space.
These sophomore like living in Wartburg because of the living room which provides a space for them to congregate and spend time with their roommates. They also have ample closet space, and especially enjoy the sinks in each of their bedrooms.
When they considered how to best maximize their space, they focused on multi-functional pieces. Their TV stand has baskets for extra storage and they store many items under their beds.
Their simple, boho decorative style is ideal for the clean white walls in Wartburg. To mix things up, they decorate for the holidays as well.
Each wardrobe in Wartburg features a flat pull-out drawer that works great for a drying space for dishes. These ladies take advantage of this to keep their sink areas neat.
Nachalah loves living in her Augsburg single because it provides an opportunity for community while maintaining her own space. Since this is her second year in Augsburg, she already had ideas on how best to organize her room. She lofted her bed and brought some shelving for storage.
She describes her decorative style as “cottage core.” This is evident from the abundance of flowers, plants, and art in her space. Nachalah brought many plants with her this year and uses her shelving as a place to display them. By putting her desk under her bed, she has plenty of surface area to display all of her decor.
Sam, Maddie, and Anna love living in Coburg because it has so much space! The living room provides a great environment for hanging out, but they always have the option to be alone and close the door to their own room.
These girls maximized their space by reimagining their furniture. Sam brought in her own desk and uses the university-provided piece as extra storage under her bed. Maddie has a rolling cart in her room to increase her storage. Anna lofted her bed so she could have an extra place to sit. Nearly everything in the living room has a functional purpose as well. There are even secret snack drawers under the coffee table!
Their decorative mindset is to comfy and fill the space. Their corner couch and revamped Facebook Marketplace furniture make their room feel homey and welcoming.
— Madelyne Arrigoni is a senior studying English, Mass Communications, and Photography. She plans to graduate in 2022.
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