CUW The Beacon

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All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own

Hello everyone! My name is Bella and I’m here to share some honest reviews of restaurants I have been to as well as give some recommendations for your next night out that isn’t too far from campus… but will be worth the drive to eat.

I grew up absolutely loving going to Downtown Cedarburg with family or friends for a fun afternoon or evening getting outside or trying new food so it’s hard saying no to someone suggesting going to Cedarburg for brunch.  When my friend suggested PJ Piper’s Pancake House, I was surprised I had never been there before… Needless to say, I was extremely excited to try the place out!

When we entered the restaurant, the place reminded me of a cozy diner mixed with my grandparents’ dining room with cute little fluorescent lights and a wide array of seating. Our wait time was around 10 minutes so when my friend and I left the restaurant and made it halfway down the street, it was time to come back and finally eat! 

Dulce De Leche pancakes

After pondering on the pages on pages of pancakes along with the other food listed, I decided on the Dulce De Leche pancakes which consist of caramel sauce, whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon to resemble my favorite sweet: churros. I’ve never had pancakes that tasted like the flavor of churros so my two favorite foods combined made one awesome brunch meal! For my side I decided on getting scrambled eggs to make myself feel better about getting something not super healthy. You would’ve thought with the gigantic plate of scrambled eggs that I ordered a second dish but in reality that was my side. The waitress probably thought I was going to eat the table too with how hungry I must have been with ordering a main and side dish. I thought it was unusual the size of my egg plate but I stopped complaining since the eggs were so good! They weren’t mushy and runny like some places I’ve been to and I could tell they cooked these eggs and pancakes with love.

Overall, PJ Piper Pancake House (say that name five times fast), is one of the cutest and coziest restaurants/diners I’ve ever been to and I wish I discovered it sooner!