Not everyone has a clear idea of what educational path he or she wants to travel.

Lucky for you, Concordia offers 100% online educational options including: single classes, certificates, undergraduate and graduate degrees, and custom options. We have put together a helpful business eGuide to better illustrate what programs and options Concordia has to offer. With a variety of class formats, exceptional student support, individual focus and more, you can easily find your niche by learning online with Concordia University Wisconsin.

Some of the questions the eGuide addresses:

  • What programs do we offer?
  • What classes will you take during your time at CUW?
  • What are the big differences between MBA and OLA?
  • What is an OSSA?
  • Who are some of our faculty members?
  • Where are your options for face-to-face education?

With a plethora of courses and programs to choose from, we have trained counselors to help you choose the appropriate program based on your interests and career path.

Be sure to download our eGuide today!

— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at or 262-243-2149.

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