Ashley and Emily Stone

In honor of National Siblings Day, meet current and former CUW School of Nursing students Ashley ('23) and Emily ('20) Stone, from Colgate, WI.

How it started …

Emily: “I had always been very interested in the medical field, and what really led me to nursing is that it’s the one-on-one, compassionate side of medicine. So, I started researching nursing schools in the area and Concordia was that perfect spot for me. I also really loved that Concordia had a direct admit nursing program.”

Ashley: “I was always super-interested in healthcare, and I like how nursing has so many different options. But I was like, ‘Should I go to the same school as my sister, or should I switch it up?’ And after hearing about Emily’s experience, and all the things she loved, I just had to choose Concordia.”

How it’s going …

Ashley: “I love the professors! They’re so helpful and they really have a relationship with me, which is something that I was looking for in college. I didn’t want to just be a number in a lecture.”

Emily: “I really liked that Concordia set up their classes hand-in-hand with the skills labs and clinicals; it felt like at one point everything just started to come together. And I think it was really cool that Concordia had so many different clinical opportunities, because it helped me figure out what path I wanted to go down.”

What it was like to overlap a year in school …

Ashley: “It was actually super-cool, because we were both living at home, and we were able to drive to and from school together. We had a lot of bonding time. And in between classes, we would work on homework together, and study at the library … and I’m sad she’s gone now!

What they love about each other …

Ashley: “Emily is just such a role model. She really influences me and pushes me to be the best that I can be, to flourish in my own way and be a strong, independent woman.”

Emily: “If I had to say one thing, I would say that she’s just so selfless. She puts everyone before herself, and I think that’s going to make her not just an incredible person, but such an incredible nurse.”

What gets under their skin …

Emily: “She steals my clothes!”

Ashley: “She’s really bad at making decisions!”

Emily: “That’s true, I’m really indecisive sometimes.”

What the future holds …

Emily: “I feel like I got my dream job right out of Concordia [working in a labor and delivery unit at Columbia St. Mary’s in Milwaukee]. Every day when I’m at work, I’m like, ‘I can’t believe this is my job!’ So I don’t see myself leaving any time soon.”

Ashley: “Even before Emily chose it, I’ve always been interested in being a labor and delivery nurse. But I also love children and would love to do something in pediatrics. I am excited to do more clinicals, to get my feet wet in other areas, and keep my options open.”

To learn more about the School of Nursing at Concordia University Wisconsin, visit

— This story is written by Mike Zimmerman, corporate communications manager for Concordia University Wisconsin. He may be reached at or 262-243-4380.

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