First dorm, first roommates, first taste of independence. With students’ return to campus, we are greeted by those experiencing college for the first time.
It takes time to adjust to campus living, but these Chemnitz freshmen share their favorite parts of dorm life.
Maliyah Haines says, “Dorm life is amazing in my opinion. It’s super fun living with eight other people, but is very different from living at home and being alone or with family. It takes a little to adjust but it gets better.”
The start of college can bring some difficulties when first living in the dorms. Homesickness and gaining a grasp on newfound independence are just a few of these issues.
Another Chemnitz resident, Gilead Adams, notes the tough differences of living away from parents.
“I have noticed that I have to be more responsible than I am at home because I don’t have my mom here to tell me to do dishes or to get on my homework—those are decisions I have to be wise enough to make myself,” says Adams
Adams says that although there are some difficult changes, the people she’s met on campus are able to help her feel better.
“There is just something special here at Concordia that makes those hard days feel alright. The community here is amazing; there have been many people here that genuinely care about me and others, and that really warms my heart.”
Chemnitz resident Kassi Hermann, mentioned the awkwardness of having different schedules among roommates.
“There are many mornings when I am getting ready with the light off because my roommates are still sleeping,”says Hermann.
Joshua Warlick is the resident director of Heidelberg and Wittenber and spoke about what it takes to welcome these freshmen into the dorms.
According to Warlick, there is an intense couple of weeks of training before the start of term to keep RDs refreshed. He says this training includes preparing to care for Resident Assistants.
“What I believe, though, that is most important is staying in prayer. Praying for my RAs and ARD, praying for the residents who are going to call my halls home for the next 9-10 months,” says Warlick.
Warlick continues:
“When the students are all finally here it becomes a lot more fun and lively in the halls!
It’s really interesting seeing the full range of emotions students feel moving to campus,” he says.
“I love the beginning of the year because there’s so many opportunities to get to know the students and watch the growth they are starting to have being here at Concordia,” says Warlick.
He also says that while many students are able to embrace their newfound independence, many others need some help taking those new steps, and with all of their training, RDs like Warlick are equipped with anything that those freshmen may need.
With the start of your college career comes new hurdles to jump. Whether it be adjusting to new responsibilities or homesickness, know that RD’s and RA’s are here to support your transition. Want to learn more about what an RA does or how Residence Life supports students?
— Hanah Conger is a writer for The Beacon. She is a senior and will be graduating in May of 2024 with a degree in Mass Communications and a Writing Emphasis minor.