Jonathan NaThalang

I am so lavishly blessed to have spent four years of my life in a place that cultivates praising God in everything that I do. The experiences that I’ve had, the lives that I’ve touched, and the lives that have touched me, have all prepared me for an enriched life.

You see, I’m one of the lucky ones! I’ll leave Concordia with a rewarding career, and the skills that I need to excel not only in physical therapy, but in worship-leading as well. I’ll leave Concordia with a sense of purpose, a hunger for life that will be satisfied in nothing but living my every moment for the Giver of Life.

How is it that I and my peers have been so richly blessed in this way, yet many others will never know the value in leading a Christ-centered life? Friends, it is our duty to assure that Concordia is able to impact as many individuals as possible. You have set a phenomenal example for the rest of us to follow! Know that I will have gratitude in my heart for you every time that I extend my heart in worship.

Thank you, and God bless you.

With the utmost respect,

Jonathan NaThalang

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