Go for the gold

Week 35

Hearts Together, Steps Together! Join this step challenge to walk 362 miles over the course of the Fall semester! Why 362? That is the distance between CUW and CUAA! Can you make it to your sister campus by Graduation?! See the HR newsletter for details and how to sign up!

Week 36

Fall is in the air, which means football (sports league points anyone?!), pumpkin spice everything…and flu shots. Get yours scheduled for this year. Don’t wait until flu season has arrived, check this item off the to-do list, and get your 200 points now! Ann Arbor will offer a flu shot clinic on October 26 in conjunction with a health fair. Mequon’s flu shot clinics are TBD.

Week 37

Are you a points-guru who wants to help others see the benefits of Vitality?! You can get points for helping others get theirs! Earn 50 Vitality Points for helping a Bronze Buddy get to Silver Status, up to six times a year.

To earn Vitality Points, find a Buddy at Bronze Status and make sure both of your emails are updated in Vitality. 

Your Bronze Status buddy will need to send an email to engage@vitalitygroup.com and copy you on it, letting Vitality know that they are being coached by you. This step must be completed before the Bronze Buddy gets to Silver Status in order for Vitality Points to be awarded. After this email is sent and your Bronze Buddy reaches Silver Status, you will earn 50 Vitality Points in the following month.

Week 38

I get it…nobody wants to hear about COVID. Staying vaccinated, however, helps protect you and your family. If you are eligible for a booster, submit proof for 250 Vitality points.