Go for the gold

We are all the way to the 4th Quarter! If you haven’t hit Gold yet, don’t worry, you still have time! Check out your Points Planner (and look back on some old blogs!) to determine how you can hit Gold Status before December 31st!

Week 39

A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Mental Health Awareness Week in September. Did you know you can be certified in Mental Health First Aid?

Ministries prepare for emergencies by having CPR/First Aid trained individuals available to serve if the need arises. Mental Health First Aid is the emotional health equivalent to that. Just as someone who is CPR /First Aid trained is not a doctor, Mental Health First Aid does not mean you are meant to be a counselor. You are there to watch and connect people to resources they need to return to a mentally/emotionally stable state.

To receive Vitality Points, you must submit proof of your certification, which includes certificate of completion or any document issued by MHFA trainer.

Week 40

Have you “wondered” about Wondr? Did you know it’s a program designed to help you lose weight and create a healthy relationship with food? You can earn points in Vitality for participating in the Wondr Health program each week. Through the Wondr Skills and Wondr Up phases, you will be encouraged to view a lesson to build your skills. You will be rewarded 5 points each week you complete a lesson. Go to the Wondr website to enroll for upcoming classes. If there is not a class coming up soon, join the wait list to be notified when the next class starts forming.

And…consistency is key! After you’ve completed any 4 weeks of a Wondr Health Phase (Wondr Skills or Wondr Up), you will be rewarded 50 points as a lesson completion bonus; maximum of 2 bonuses per phase. (Note: Once you’ve graduated into Wondr Up, you would no longer be eligible for Wondr Skills lesson bonuses.)

Vitality points will award automatically and reflect in your Points Statement at the end of each Wondr  phase.

Week 41

Meeting with a trained financial professional can help you better plan for your retirement and make sure you’re on track to meet your retirement goals. Earn 50 Vitality Points for meeting with either:

1) a CPS Financial Wellness Educator [reach out to MoneyMatters@concordiaplans.org to get connected to an educator]

2) a personal financial planner

To receive Vitality Points, submit proof: a copy of the financial planner’s business card, the email with the signature of the Concordia Plans educator, or a completed Financial Wellness Activity Slip.

Week 42

Attend the Health Fair! We are hosting benefit vendor health fairs on October 24th for CUW, and October 26th for CUAA. Come learn about some new offerings for 2024 that will help you control your health spending. Earn 25 bonus points for attending. (Sign-in sheet will be available at the health fair for you to note your attendance)

Go for the Gold-Vitality Gold!