Kassy Bartelme

Kassy Bartelme, PharmD., BCACP, has been at Concordia in the School of Pharmacy since 2011. During her time here, Bartelme has impacted her students and the Concordia community in her role as an associate professor. Let’s learn about what makes this influential member of our teaching community so beloved.

How long have you been a pharmacist?

I have been a pharmacist for 13 years. In 2009, I graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities College of Pharmacy (COP). After graduation, I did a two-year residency at the COP where I split my time between teaching and ambulatory care pharmacy practice with a focus on leadership.

Finish this sentence. I became a pharmacist because…

I love serving patients. After my freshman year of college, I started working in a pharmacy. I began as a cashier then a prescription filler, and ultimately a technician. While working I knew I wanted to continue serving patients with the knowledge and skills of a pharmacist. I enjoyed getting to know my patients on a personal level. As a pharmacist, I am able to help them with questions and problems related to their health and medications and help them achieve their healthcare goals.

What field within pharmacy interests you the most. How did you discover this?

I love ambulatory care pharmacy. I learned about it on the first day of pharmacy school in my Pharmaceutical Care Practice course. The professors called it pharmaceutical care then and it has morphed into ambulatory care pharmacy. It’s the perfect combination of pharmacy and general/family practice medicine. It allows me to work at the top of my license and work closely with patients and other health care providers.  

What keeps you engaged in pharmacy? 

The profession of pharmacy is always changing. Pharmacists are already trusted and well-respected professionals in the community. In the past couple of decades, pharmacists have been earning a new appreciation for their skills and knowledge. They have also been given more responsibilities, such as provider status and prescribing rights. I am excited about the expansion of pharmacy services.   

What do you love about working with pharmacy students? 

Seeing students develop into confident and competent pharmacists is something I love. They learn so much from year to year and it is rewarding to see their confidence and knowledge significantly increase throughout. Being a professor I enjoy getting to know students on a more personal level and what makes them tick. Those relationships help me provide career advice as needed.   

What is your area of expertise within pharmacy?

My clinical area of expertise is anticoagulation management. I practice in a cardiology clinic where I monitor the effectiveness of warfarin, a blood-thinning medication for patients. Then I meet some patients face-to-face and perform a finger-stick blood test while other patients have the test done elsewhere and I talk to them on the phone. After that’s all done, I am able to adjust the medication dose based on the blood test.

My teaching areas of expertise include nonprescription pharmacotherapy, women’s health pharmacotherapy, and applied patient care skills, including clinical documentation. 

Are you involved in any current research projects? 

Yes, I am collaborating with a faculty member at UW-Madison School of Pharmacy to survey community pharmacists in Wisconsin. It will report on their perceptions of the provision of reproductive health care services following the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  

Anything else you are passionate about?

Recently I was elected to be the secretary for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Women’s Health Practice and Research Network (PRN). This two-year term begins in October 2022 at the ACCP Global Conference.

The Women’s Health PRN includes pharmacists and pharmacy students who either teach, practice, or have an interest in women’s health. Members serve as a resource for other members. Additionally, PRN members carry out women’s-health-related research and advocacy.

As secretary, I get to attend and take minutes at the PRN officer meetings and the PRN business and networking forum at the annual conference. After the annual conference, I then develop and disseminate a membership survey. I will serve as the Co-Chair of the Communications Committee which will publish a PRN newsletter twice a year, update the PRN website, and monitor the listserv. I am also a member of the Student/Resident/Fellow Committee. 

What advice do you have for current pharmacy students? 

I have two main points of advice for pharmacy students. First, get involved while in pharmacy school. Join student organizations and participate in activities. It will provide you with real-life opportunities to serve patients and network with other pharmacy students and pharmacists.

Second, be sure to advocate for yourself. If you’re struggling with anything, whether it’s classes, personal concerns, or something else, please ask for help. Talk to your professors, SOP staff, counselors, friends, or someone else you trust.  

Looking for a student’s perspective? Check out what a recent grad enjoyed about the program.

Do you want to know more?

You can learn from Kassy Barteleme and our other accomplished faculty in our pharmacy program. If you’re interested in learning more, visit us here.