Dare to develop is a free email course that will help you put your thoughts into actions.
Dare to Develop free email course
Turn your thoughts into actions through the process of development. Whether it’s personal or professional, the action can be one step or in your case, one click to start.
Dr. Ken Harris is ready to walk with you through your personal and professional development journey.
Dare to Develop: what will I learn?
In three short email lessons, you’ll:
- Consider your strengths and areas of growth.
- Think about how these things impact your decision to choose personal or professional development.
- Learn how your personal and professional development can overlap and offer the best of both worlds.
After you’ve dared to develop
If you like what Dare to DevelopĀ covers, check out our other course offerings through our Batterman and Haab Schools of Business.
Concordia Leads Program
Concordia LEADS is an online subscription that introduces graduates and adult leaders to advanced leadership concepts. These courses will help you build a solid foundation for ethical leadership in the 21st century. Concordia LEADS is open to all who seek to engage in a program fostering personal and professional development, focused critical thinking, problem solving, and developmental planning.
Areas covered throughout the year includes:
- Leadership and Legacy: Creating and sustaining a legacy for generations to come, and building the leaderships skills to make that happen.
- Entrepreneurship and Equity: Unleashing the power of entrepreneurialism coupled to fairness and impartiality in the workplace and in your personal life.
- Ambition and Awareness: Crafting and implementing a personal plan to pursue over the next 8-to-10 years.
- Digital and Discipline: Personal branding in areas of communication.
- Social and Success: Taking a holistic approach to creating a model for your personal success.
Want to know more?
If you’re interested in learning more about online continuing education opportunities at Concordia, visit us here.
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