Meet Alex Lauersdorf (’23), a recent CUW graduate who truly understands that music is a gift from God and is eager to share it with the next generation.
To read more inspiring stories of CUW music alumni, click HERE. To help support the new CUW Music building, click HERE.
Quarter Notes
- Name: Alex Lauersdorf (’23)
- Hometown: Ashippun, WI
- Now Resides: Green Bay, WI
- Major: K-12 Music Education
- Primary Instrument: Trombone
- Other Instruments: Organ, piano, handbells
- CUW Ensembles: University Band, Wind Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Pep Band
Whole Notes
Career path:
I am the Music Director for the Northeastern Wisconsin Lutheran School Association (NEWLSA) in Green Bay. I teach Band and Choir at N.E.W. Lutheran High School, and middle school band and private lessons at Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School. I teach Band and K-8 General Music and Choir and Handbells at Green Bay Trinity Lutheran Grade school.
Who or what inspired me to pursue music:
My love for music began at a very young age. I started playing piano between second and third grade. My Grandpa played trombone in about five different bands around the area and I always thought it was the coolest thing. He is the one who truly inspired me to want to do music. He has always pushed me and believed in me and inspired me to be the best musician I can be. He has never missed any of my performances, even if it was just watching the livestream these last few years as he can’t get out as easily anymore. It was him and the continual support of my family that developed my love of music.
When I got to fifth grade and could join band, I knew that trombone was going to be my pick. I truly knew. When I got to college and was deciding my major, I knew I loved kids and music, and I wanted to be able to share my love of music and Christ with future students. The Music department at CUW has continued to push me and develop my skills both as a musician and educator, and I am truly thankful for what they have done for me over these past four years. It is because of all of these people that I am ready to embark on this journey and share my love of music with future generations.
Favorite CUW memories:
For me it is kind of a tie between all of my friends, waking up to the beautiful bluff every day, and having the opportunity to worship each day in Chapel at Concordia, and to be able to learn from amazing educators and professors.
When I got to college and was deciding my major, I knew I loved kids and music, and I wanted to be able to share my love of music and Christ with future students. The Music department at CUW has continued to push me and develop my skills both as a musician and educator, and I am truly thankful for what they have done for me over these past four years.
Alex Lauersdorf
Favorite CUW Music memories:
This is also a tie, between Wind Ensemble rehearsals, Pep Band and tours, as well as the Brass Ensemble. For me, Wind Ensemble and Pep Band are where I met many of my friends in college, so going to rehearsals and playing in Pep Band was not only fun because we were playing great music and learning, but because we were having fun and hanging out with friends while doing it.
I include Brass Ensemble because it was a dream that my friend and colleague Zach Roeglin and I had that came true. Our Junior year we were able to start this ensemble, practicing one night a week. Eventually, this group went out and played at different churches in Southern Wisconsin, both to represent the CUW Music Department and to help enhance worship at these churches and share our gifts with the community. What started with five members our first year grew exponentially our second year, and I have to say that I am super proud of everyone in that ensemble and the work and dedication they put into it. I am excited to see where it goes this year under new leadership, and the amazing things that they accomplish.
What CUW Music has meant to me:
My CUW music experience means a lot to me because it is where I continued to develop my skills as a musician and learned how to be a great music educator. But it was also a second home where I met my second family. Some of my best friends and memories have come out of my music experience at CUW. Even in the toughest times (and there were a few) I always had these amazing people by my side. I have learned that music truly is a gift from God. I know that even though I am not on campus anymore, I now have a second family there, and around the U.S., that supports me and continues to build me up as I embark on life’s journey.
It is because of this experience that I feel ready and equipped to fulfill God’s call to serve in three schools here in Green Bay and share the gift of music with my future students. My CUW music experience has shaped me into who I am today, and all for the better!
How you can help!

The CUW Music Department is currently raising funds to build a new, long-overdue music rehearsal space. The new building will devote 6,800 square feet to rehearsal and practice rooms for the 225-plus students at Concordia who are majoring in music programs or involved in one of CUW’s 12 music ensembles. If you’d like to help, click the link below to find out how to contribute.
Want in?
Since 1881, Concordia University’s mission has been teaching and preparing students for careers and vocations that serve The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Music has always been an integral part of that mission. The music department contributes to the spiritual, cultural, artistic, academic and co-curricular aspects to University life on campus. As the campus has grown in scope and size the music department has become more integral to the University mission.