Join us for this time-honored tradition, featuring performances by two of Concordia’s premier vocal ensembles, Selah and Kammerchor.
Selah (meaning “stop and listen”) is an auditioned ensemble exploring a wide variety of both sacred and secular repertoire written for women’s voices.
Kammerchor (German for “chamber choir”) is an auditioned mixed voice ensemble that sings a wide variety of choral literature from the Renaissance to the present, including concert pieces, anthems, spirituals, and hymns.
Concert Information
Sunday, November 20 | 3:30 p.m.
Chapel of Christ Triumphant (CUW campus)
Tickets: $10
(CUW faculty, staff, and students free with ID at the door)
Livestream Link: cuw.edu/musiclive
“This concert holds special significance for me,” explained Dr. Alexa Doebele, professor of music and director of choral activities at Concordia University Wisconsin. “In addition to celebrating the Feast of Christ the King, this concert marks the 10th anniversary of Selah’s debut concert. In recognition of this anniversary, Selah’s final piece is one that was also sung at Selah’s first concert.”
Concert Program
Alle, Alleluia | Bruce W. Tippette (b. 1985)
Cherubic Hymn | Alexander Kastalsky (1856-1926)
Domine Deus | Michael Haydn (1737-1806)
O choruscans lux stellarum | Michael Engelhardt (b. 1974)
Victoria Fuller, violin
Becca Roth, piano
Shumayela | Traditional isiZulu, arr. Charlotte Botha
I See the Heaven’s Glories Shine | Andrea Ramsey (b. 1977)
Rebekah Milbrath, soprano
Micah Hill, piano

Oy es día de placer | Tomás Pascual (c. 1595-1635)
Anna Krafft and Zion Nelson, soloists
Nate Laesch, Maggie Weidler and Caleb Dunst, percussion
We Are Held | Susan LaBarr (b. 1981) and Jim Wilson (b. 1966)
Grace Amundson, piano
Ukrainian Alleluia | Craig Courtney (b. 1948)
The Best of Rooms | Randall Thompson (1899-1984)
Exultate Deo | Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
Five Solas | Kyle Pederson (b. 1971)
Constansa Herrmann and Grace Amundson, soloists
Toki Gong Sambil Menari, Haleluya | Christian Isaac Tamaela (b. 1967)

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Since 1881, Concordia University’s mission has been teaching and preparing students for careers and vocations that serve The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Music has always been an integral part of that mission. To learn more about how the Music Department contributes to the spiritual, cultural, artistic, academic and co-curricular aspects to University life on campus, click on a link below.