Hard work, persistence, fun, and togetherness make up the secret sauce to the standout success of this year’s SGA class, which is responsible for more than three dozen student-chartered organizations and clubs.
At 9:31 p.m. on a recent Monday, Student Government Association (SGA) Vice President Ryan Krueger tapped his gavel on the podium three times to start the group’s weekly meeting. It was also at that precise time that the first of many Mafia Game jokes was fired. Fresh off a weekend camping retreat, the group of 36 in attendance was awash with inside jokes and friendly ribbing as they recalled the familiar campfire game.
Haunted by the fits and starts of two years of compromise due to COVID-19, the SGA executive committee decided that they would do what they could to make 2021–22 an epic year for Concordia’s entire student body.
“Everyone who ran for officer positions shared the same fire and commitment to bring our campus community back to the pre-COVID days when students gathered in person to discuss topics, celebrate milestones, advocate for various causes, and deepen the overall Concordia experience,” said Megan Schmitz, SGA president. “They each have such good ideas, and have developed the skills and leadership traits to see them through.”
Before the school year even started, the executive committee made two commitments: all meetings would take place in person (no Zoom), and they would spend the money.
Every semester each student is charged a $40 student activity fee, which goes into a fund that SGA uses to enhance the student experience. “We like to say that we take that money and make change on campus,” said Schmitz. The executive committee ambitiously took on several major projects this year, including an outdoor basketball court and an evening discussion with Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush.
“Concordia’s SGA has always attracted sharp professionals who care about their school and want to help to make it better,” said Vice President of Student Life Dr. Steve Taylor. “We have been blessed with a tradition of strong student leadership.”
Taylor recognized something special about this class from the beginning. “I can’t tell you how much of an honor it is to work with President Schmitz. She is self-motivated, sharp, respectful, and a joy to be around. She is a perfect representation of what Concordia has to offer.”
Schmitz is the first to deflect the praise and is always quick to lift the entire executive team for this year’s success. “While we have certainly accomplished a lot this year, I think our biggest accomplishment is bringing students back together to have fun while working towards a common goal.”
Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the spring 2022 issue of Hearts Together, a Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor Special Magazine edition. The fall/winter issue hit mailboxes in early October. View a PDF version of the magazine here. If you are not on our mailing list, but are interested in receiving a free copy, email Jennifer.Hackmann@cuaa.edu.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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