Thank you. Two little words made up of only eight letters, yet they carry such an incredible depth of meaning.
I want to thank you for the role you’ve played in helping me fulfill my God-given calling. Thank you for supporting my education and the education of everyone in my Concordia family. Being at CUW has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined when I made the decision to attend here.
I never could have imagined the incredible education I would receive. Not only do my professors teach me to the highest standard, but they value me as an individual. Whether it is the late night replies to my e-mails, the thoughtful input on 30-page papers, or the reminder that God always has a plan for our life, I am so thankful for the Christian guidance I have had every step of the way.
While at Concordia, I have been blessed to go on trips all over the U.S., as well as the Dominican Republic, where I have learned what it means to truly serve. I have been mentored by incredible Christian men and women who entrusted me with leadership roles within Campus Ministry. As I coordinated various ministries and served as president of Campus Ministry for a year, I learned to rely on God and rely on those He puts in our lives.
My years at Concordia have changed my life and prepared my mind, body, and spirit to go out and serve those with whom I interact. I have learned so much both in and outside of the classroom. As I look forward to stepping into my field and becoming a teacher, I am so thankful for my years at Concordia.
However, none of this would be possible without you. Thank you. Thank you for believing in me and in my Concordia family. Thank you for investing in our futures as we prepare to serve God and others through our vocations.
God’s Blessings,
Brittany Wilaby
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