At the end of each academic year, Concordia's Batterman School of Business recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in various areas.
Here are the 2020-21 student honorees:
Servant Leadership Award: Matthew Kaiser
As part of Concordia’s mission “for service to Christ in the Church and word,” this award is presented to a graduating senior who has shown dedication to serving others and is motivated to better the world around them.
American Bicentennial Award: Sarah Fleischmann
Established by Mr. E. R. Brann, this award is given to a graduating Batterman School of Business student who has overcome adversity and challenges as they pursued their degree.
Qualitative Business Student of the Year: Hannah Beyer
This award is given to the top student seeking a Business Communication, General Business, International Business, Management, Marketing, or Public Relations degree within the Batterman School of Business.
Qualitative Business Student of the Year: Bray Macintosh
This award is given to the top student seeking an Accounting, Actuarial Science, Economics, or Finance degree within the Batterman School of Business.
Sport and Hospitality Business Student of the Year: Erik Schuette
This award is given to the top student seeking a Sport and Entertainment Business or Hospitality and Event Business degree within the Batterman School of Business.
The William Grenville Ellis Business Student of the Year: Taylor Brittnacher
This award is presented to the best overall student in academics, co-curricular activities, and the display of leadership activities who has consistently earned honorable grades during their term of enrollment.
Undergraduate Business Faculty Member of the Year Award: Stacy Stinson
Awarded to a faculty member who has displayed a high level of commitment, excellence, and support of CUW’s mission.
Adult Education Student of the Year: Catherine Canaday
The John Wandschneider Adult Education Faculty Award: Brian Danzinger
Sigma Beta Delta Inductees
Carson Lagina
Emily Ewert
Bray Macintosh
Sophia Karlovich
Hannah Beyer
Rachel Yurske
Alexandra Reading-Brown
Cade Jahns
Taylor Van Brocklin
Lauryn Kupsky
Caleb Sells
Kate Miklosz
Abigail Henn
Zachary Peppel
Matthew Kaiser
Isabella Knuth
Joanna Peuster
Jenna Tarnowski
Caleb Minx
Jeremy Gaeth
Andrew Doepp
Alaina Hazelberg
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