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Johnathan Pullen, a recent graduate of Concordia University Wisconsin who majored in computer science with a focus in cybersecurity, spent time over the summer interning abroad in Australia. Pullen shared all about his summer abroad and what life looked like on the other side of the world.

Can you describe a typical day in your host country?

A typical day in Australia for me was I would wake up around 5 AM and head to this CrossFit gym called BBB (BodyByBrando) and do an hour-long workout from 5:30-6:30. From there I would go home and get ready for work and eat. At around 8 I would head out and take the train to work and work at my internship from 9-4. I worked at a place called AIHI (Australian Institute of Health Innovation) where I was able to do research on AI and improve AI models to be able to read chest X-ray images at a level that would eventually be used for medical students or radiologists. During the workday, there were team meetings, informative presentations, and my research work. After work, I would head home and usually spend time with a group of friends who were also doing the internship in Australia, whether that was exploring the area more, going to rugby games, or going out to eat. 

What inspired you to choose this particular study abroad program?

What inspired me to choose this particular program was the ability to go see another part of the world while gaining experience within the tech field. I thoroughly enjoy traveling and I am striving to do it as much as I can while I am still young with nothing holding me down back home. 

What were some of the most memorable experiences you had while studying abroad?

Two memories come to the front of my mind from my study abroad experience. The first was my trip up to Cairns and being able to see the Great Barrier Reef and surrounding rainforests for the weekend. Being able to snorkel and see the Great Barrier Reef on a beautiful day was unbelievable. The second thing that comes to mind is the competition I did with the BBB gym. I was asked to partake with one of the coaches and fellow members in a team comp in July. That event inspired me to continue training and competing in the sport back in the US. The coaches at BBB and the friends I made at the gym make me grateful I had chosen that gym.

Did you have any favorite local foods or dishes?

Honestly, as for local foods and dishes, it was pretty similar to America’s food. Just healthier. I will say we did go and get a lot of Korean BBQ as a group as it’s all you can eat and compared to what it’s usually priced in America, it was a steal [in Australia].

How did studying abroad impact your academic goals or career aspirations?

Studying abroad impacted my career aspirations in that I would love to find a job that allows me to travel. Seeing the world while pursuing my career is now a massive goal of mine and I’d be very grateful if I could make that happen.

How did the experience of studying abroad change your view of the world?

It changed my view of the world in that there are so many different cultures that to be able to get a firsthand interaction with them is now something I’d love to do. 

What advice would you give to other students considering studying abroad in the future?

The advice I would give other students studying abroad would simply be just do it. Especially if you can do it multiple times. This was an experience I genuinely enjoyed and wish I had done more times than just once. Sometimes the only way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone and studying abroad would do that for you.

If you interested in finding out more about the study abroad opportunities offered at CUW reach out to the study abroad office or Margaret Leimkuehler

—Serena Said is a writer, blog and social media manager for The Beacon. She is a senior pursing a degree in Mass Communication as well as Visual Communications.