Editor's note: "A pandemic advent: the arrival of a Savior for all" is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the Concordia University Wisconsin community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God's Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound anticipation and zeal through the Holy Spirit.
December 7 – The good news amid the bad new
Isaiah 24:1–13, 1 John 1:1–2:14
When someone says, “I have good news and bad news,” commonly, you ask for the bad news first. We want to save the good news for later as our hope.
Reflecting on this past year and a half, there have been many Christians, including myself, who have expressed grave concern that in our local communities and nation, things have seemed at times to be falling apart. The “normal” of our lives which we previously may have taken for granted is now something to which we cling—or may even be mourning as lost. Ever-increasing differences seem to divide us daily, and the course of our desires have often changed directions to be self- seeking. In the darkest moments, that is the bad news.
During this season, the words of Isaiah 24:6 parallel the bad news we may feel so quickly and closely. Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left.
Yet in this Advent season, we have the hope of the Good News. As Christians, we are redeemed! We are provided a perfect reminder of this in Colossians 1:13-14: He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. The Good News for us today is that the clear and present darkness is NOT our story and NOT the ending we need to anticipate. There have always been uncertain times, and there will continue to be moments in future history that we fall short; but we have a blessed hope and assurance. Those who live for Our Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit will forever be fulfilled.
I can testify to the goodness of Christ in all things, visible and invisible. I pray that we remain steadfast in living in such a way that is to emulate the goodness of Christ. No matter the news we receive, may we each remain fixated on the Lord’s presence, believe in the His promises, and pursue Him in all things.
SHANITRA CHEFF is the Director of Multicultural Engagement and has served at Concordia since 2016
View a full schedule of “The arrival of a Savior for all” readings here.
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