Editor's note: "Unmasking Advent: the arrival of a Savior in our lives" is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the Concordia University Wisconsin community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God's Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound anticipation and zeal through the Holy Spirit.
December 6 – The gift of God’s promises
Isaiah 14:1-23 and 2 Peter 3:1-18
Have you ever failed to keep a promise? I have—more than once—with my children. When I make a promise to them, I have every intention of keeping it, but then an unexpected circumstance gets in the way. I can still hear them pleading with me, “But, Mom, you promised!” and I am filled with regret. I want my children to depend on and trust me, but every time I break a promise to them, their faith in me diminishes a little.
We never have to worry about this with God. As His children, we can trust that He always keeps His Word. Your life may be in upheaval right now, as you face financial difficulties, health crises, or relational problems. You know that the Lord promises peace to His children, but you are swirling in a sea of uncertainty. In your distress, you may have even cried out, “Lord, when will You deliver me from all this trouble?”
The Israelites, too, faced suffering and turmoil. Enslaved and oppressed by the Babylonians, they waited 70 years for the Lord to fulfill His promise to deliver them. Our wait may seem long, especially in days like these, but 2 Peter says, The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise, as some count slowness (verse 9). He is waiting patiently, desiring that all would be saved. Even as He promised relief to the Israelites and delivered them mightily from the hand of their enemies, the Lord has also promised to return as our victorious Messiah and deliver us from this fallen, broken world.
So, as we wait, we hold on to the promise of His return and live our lives poured out for Him, knowing that this world will one day be made new and that God’s Word and His promises remain forever true.
AIMEE WILEY is a member of the Advancement Team and has served at Concordia since 2019.
View a full schedule of “An uncommon Advent” readings here.
Unmasking Advent is also available for purchase in hard-copy form. Each booklet costs $5. All net proceeds will support Concordia’s “Living Water” campaign through Water to Thrive, an effort to create a sustainable clean water source for a community in Africa. Click here to purchase a booklet. If you wish to make a direct, tax-deductible gift to the Living Water campaign, click here.
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